Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Fitness fix! (The beginning)

My friend text me this morning to let me know it was one year ago today when we went away on holiday. Needless to say this made me feel kind of sad. I started looking through our holiday pics when I realised how ridiculously out of shape I've become. Last year I was so proud of myself. I stuck to a really healthy diet and exercised everyday as much as I could.

It occurred to me that with no body flashing plans for the recent future I've sort of let myself go a little. I say a little but to put that in to perspective I've been chomping down treats faster than my big fat greedy dog. Polishing off bags of cookies, trays of donuts and more crisp sandwiches than I can count, I've become a walking advert for how not to live your life. Not only that but my exercise regime has completely dissolved. I feel like I'm knocking on the door of a heart attack every time I walk up the stairs, so I've decided its time to get healthy!

I've whipped out a few tools to help me along the way. I'm strapping on my Bodi-Tek ab belt, and stepping up to the vibroplates. Obviously I'm making HUGE changes to my diet, and I'll be taking my dog out with me for some long walks in the sunshine. It's time to get motivated and stay motivated.

I'm so pleased with how my days gone today. It's been a great start to rekindling last years sexy summer tum. Plus I already feel like I've got lots more energy after not stuffing my face with a chocolate breakfast and spending one session wobbling on those vibroplates.

Thanks to good old fashioned diet and exercise. Because it's important all year round, not just before you go on holiday!

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